School Information
Our three year old and Pre-K classes both run from 9:00-11:30am or 12:30-3:00pm. It is important that children arrive promptly and it is required to have your child use the bathroom before school and wash thier hands upon entering the school.
YOU MUST ACCOMPANY YOUR CHILD INTO THE CLASSROOM. Children should never be simply dropped off at the door or in the hallway. Make sure you greet the teacher so we know your child has arrived and remember to sign your child in.
Please do not be late picking up your child. The teachers must clean up and get ready for the next class or go home to their own children at the end of the day.
Parents who are repeatedly late will be charged an additional fee. If you have an emergency and must be late, please call the director (754-0747) or the church office (754-0746) so the teacher may be notified.
Doors will be locked during the school day so please ring the doorbell for assistance.
Children will be dismissed to their parents or other designated persons such as babysitter or carpool driver. Please list on the Dismissal Form the names of people you authorize to pick up your child. KEEP THIS LIST UPDATED throughout the year. Your child will not be released to anyone not listed on this form. In an emergency, call the director or church to make special arrangements. The person picking your child up must sign them out.
Teachers will notify you in advance of any planned field trips. Some field trips require an extra charge; for example, if a class goes to the Apple Orchard, you will be asked to send a small amount to pay for your child. Since we do not have busses, parents/caregivers will be asked to drive and attend field trips with their child or to make arrangements with someone who can attend with them. Some field trips may take place on a day that your child does not normally attend, we hope that with enough prior notice that arrangements can be made so that your child can join us.
Physical examination and immunization forms are sent to all parents during the summer; they must be signed by a physician and returned to school prior to your child entering the classroom. The State of New York requires that all children be properly immunized before entering school. The physical examination form and the health history form which parents and physicians fill out must be completed each year.
As we all know, preschool children are prone to many colds and other minor illnesses. It is best for everyone if you keep your child home when he or she does not feel well. If your child has had a fever or vomiting, please allow for 24 hours of normal activity before sending him/her to school. If the teacher feels the child should not be in class, she will call you to pick up your child rather than expose everyone else to infection. Please call and notify the school when your child will be absent.
We do everything possible to ensure your child’s safety at school, but occasionally accidents do happen. This is why it is important for you to fill out the registration and health forms completely and KEEP THEM UPDATED. In the case of serious injury, we will call you or the emergency contact person you specify as well as giving first aid and calling the emergency squad if necessary. Fortunately, the overwhelming majority of school accidents consist of scraped knees or other little bumps and bruises.
Preschool staff is mandated by law to report any suspicion of child abuse or neglect to the proper authorities. Any suspicion of child abuse should be reported immediately to the director.
If the rare need occurred for evacuation, our primary alternate location is Maine-Endwell High School and secondary is Our Saviour Lutheran Church.
Children should wear comfortable play clothes to school. They should come prepared for outdoor play (hats, mittens, and boots) unless the weather is very bad. Fresh air is beneficial in winter as well as in warm weather. In winter, when children are arriving in boots, it is important to send shoes as well to wear inside; the hallways are too slippery for socks! Keep in mind that children will be using art materials and may not be able to avoid getting paint, etc., on their clothes. Parent-helpers should also dress casually and comfortably.
Snacks for three year olds are provided by the parents and collected ahead of time. Please do your best to select nutritious snacks and natural juices; this is the way children learn good eating habits. Water is the perfect no sugar drink for your child. Sugar and artificial colors should be kept to a minimum. Please consult the class list where allergies are noted, and do not bring foods which some children in the class are not able to eat. (If your child has severe allergies, please discuss this with the teacher; you may want to send your own snacks each day for your child.)
We understand that special snacks may be desired for birthdays and holidays. Even then, please remember little people need little portions. The snack for the class will be posted on the sign in sheet each day.
Pre-K children are responsible for bringing their own snack each day except when a special Birthday treat will be provided by a parent for the whole class.
Parents with special skills and interests are encouraged to share these with our classes. Contact the teacher to arrange an appropriate time. We seek dental hygienists or dentists, nurses or doctors, firemen, policemen, and any other professionals whose occupations might be of interest to the children, so please let us know if you have something to contribute!
An Open House evening is held in the fall. We welcome the opportunity to meet the whole family. Your child will enjoy showing the classroom to siblings or grandparents as well as to Mom and Dad.
Children should be willing to share items that they bring to school. Children are never permitted to bring toy guns or other weapons to school. Teachers will tell you which days they choose to do Show and Tell.
Teachers use the parent message board in the hallway on a daily basis. They also send home monthly calendars. General information may be found here on the school's website and on their Facebook page.
The director sends newsletters and other announcements of special events. The hallway bulletin board is used to post important and interesting information. If you wish to post something, please ask the director.
Please keep all written communications until after the events have occurred so that you know what is going on. If your child comes from a babysitter or in a carpool, be sure to talk to the driver about any posted messages seen at school.
Although developmental assessments and conferences were described earlier, please do not wait until then if you have questions or concerns. Staff phone numbers are listed in your parent handbook; please feel free to call. Arrival and dismissal times tend to be busy and do not provide much privacy, but a note to set up a conference or phone call are always welcome.
Parents are welcome to request a teacher conference at any point during the year. The director is also available at any time. If you are thinking of calling, please do, so any concerns can be addressed early.
As Early Childhood professionals and as individuals we share your worries and your love for your child. We will do our best to cooperate and help. Your feedback helps us evaluate the ways in which our program can serve you and your child; please do not hesitate to contact us and let us know your needs and concerns.
Like us on Facebook at Northminster Endwell Preschool
Play Dough Recipe
- 2 cups Flour
- 1 cup Salt
- 2 cups Water
- 2 tablespoons Oil
- 4 teaspoons Cream of Tartar
- 2 teaspoons Vanilla
- 2/3 teaspoon Food Coloring (any color)
Mix and cook for about 3 minutes over medium heat, stirring constantly until too thick to stir. Knead until cool. (If it seems sticky, let it air for an hour, then knead again.) Enjoy playing!